Dream Message: Are You Malleable?
I often get messages in the early morning hours, as I’m in that state between awake and asleep called Theta that I work with so often with clients. A few mornings ago, I had one that revolved around a shaping of clay or a dough-like substance, I was molding something, and the word was MALLEABLE. The message was "The more you (meaning the material world, my hands) work (test) a man, the less malleable he becomes. It is not this way with me."
After feeling into it, reading some scripture, chatting with Michael, the message was clear.
The world hardens us if we let it test us and work us over without seeing God in the work. If we believe the world is against us, and we are a victim to it, we harden our hearts. We often blame God, "if there is one". The more we close our hearts off to God, the more we harden them. The less MALLEABLE we become.
The more a sword is worked, the stronger and harder, sharper it becomes. And we believe this to be a good thing that we have created. A "necessity" in this world.
A weapon, to harm others is not a good thing in God's eyes.
Have you allowed yourself to be hardened by the world into a weapon that harms others?
Spirit wishes for us to keep our hearts and minds malleable to SOURCE/TRUTH/LOVE and not to man and material things. Do not trust what you see around you in these times. Trust what you feel. Discernment is key. Allow the Healing Light of Source to mold you into the ideal I AM presence you are
We are formed in the womb of THE mother, before we were formed here.
Remember what you really are, and connect with that light. Allow spirit to continue shaping you. Stay malleable to our creator.
That's where you'll find peace and the joy of living life as the perfect you that you are RIGHT NOW