Meet our Elders


Head Pastors Jillian and Michael Rogers

Married in July of 2022, Jillian soon began to expand her metaphysical knowledge when led by Dolores Cannon (from the other side) to her QHHT work. Of course Michael was her first subject, and Dolores certainly knew what we she was doing when she led the two of them to this technique. Through these sessions with Michael, over the course of a year, they came to discover a promised “great knowledge” they are here to share with those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear. Archangel Michael, The Divine Father, and The Divine Mother themselves work directly through Michael and Jillian to bring you the Sword of Truth.

Together they established The Divine Trinity Mystic Church, consecrated September 30th, 2023.

For more of our backstories before we met, check out the links below for The Book of Michael and The Book of Jillian

To follow our story together and the revelations as they come, check out the link for Source Code below.

If you would like a “quick” version of how we came to start a mystic church, check out our About Us video below, and click the “videos” link for more.

Join our free private Facebook meeting hall, The Way, at the link below.

Follow Jillian on Facebook and TikTok at the links below.

Want more? Contact us at the link below!

Help Wanted!

We are always looking for others with the same dedication we have to helping themselves and others learn, heal and grow into their whole, multi-dimensional beings. We are currently seeking a

Treasurer/Board of Elders - Someone to go over the financial reports prepared by a bookkeeper and be a 3rd party, non-related board member to present the financial reports and be involved in financial decisions at each quarterly board meeting, minimum. This is a volunteer position, but should you take of the bookkeeping duties as well, there will be financial compensation.

Secretary/Board of Elders - A non-related third party able to meet with the board for all meetings and record in writing (from transcript) all the main points of the meeting to share with church members upon request.

As Board Members, you must first be members of Divine Trinity Mystic Church.

Please sign up at the link below for more information.