Christianity VERSUS Mysticism?
I recently joined a group "Christian Mysticism" thinking more people in a group labeled as such understood who Yeshua was. Hint, he was a mystic/christ. They are truly one in the same. I was shocked to discover people arguing Christianity VS mysticism. Apparently they've never heard of St John of the Cross? For starters... I mean if you read the Bible at least a little bit it should be glaringly obvious that Yeshua had a relationship with God. That's what we mystics do, go straight to the creator for our information and confirmations. That's EXACTLY what Yeshua did and was, and was trying to teach all of us. Literally said we would do what he did AND MORE.... so how did the church ever convince you Yeshua was the only son of God? He literally tells you different in scripture.
The church has been grooming you so far off the way Yeshua walked it's really very sad... I get why people have been turned away from knowing God by all this false programming in so called religion.
Yeshua taught us we don't need all that bs, God is within ALL OF US because we are all made of pure consciousness... Her consciousness if you want to be precise, shattered into billions of points at this level but all of them/us a piece of her. Multiple personality to the billionth degree lol.... Because what else would you do with infinite power of creation? These concepts are divine knowledge open to anyone who seeks it from their heart space.... You don't NEED to follow anyone, not even me! You know in your heart these eternal truths resonate.
You know in your heart you are more than this temporary vessel that houses your consciousness, no different that your dreams do, save the programming of what to expect....
You really need only ask... But most won't.
"man doesn't want to believe" said God the Father... And he was right. I didn't want to. I denied the truths for many years and suffered greatly for it... By my own choosing. Thinking I knew better. Thinking there was no god and if there was he sucked.
I was living a miserable life, at my lowest, lost and abandoned... I did not believe Yeshua ever existed, I didn't believe in God. I challenged the universe... If there is a God, he better come down here and explain himself! This place is a mess and just.... All wrong! My soul cried out... I cannot do this anymore! I know I am NOT what the world tries to tell me I am! I am a pure, loving, being of light at my core, I KNOW IT! And in that moment, though I did not realize it was him, I was embraced by Yeshua and knowledge began to just... Be there.
I knew that he was real, had lived... But was NOT what the church narrative declared. He was, in today's language... A light worker.
It was IN MY HEAD just like that... I exclaimed out loud as I smacked my head... HOLY SHIT JESUS WAS A LIGHTWORKER. Though I don't know everything about who the man he was, I learned plenty enough backed up by many other sources including my soul, but many in the external world around me, and many new things from our creator about him... He was a man, like any other man. Of Greek decent, not that it matters, because it was his message that matters. He walked The Way. He learned with the Essenes and in India. He was an ascended master extending great knowledge, divinely gifted knowledge, straight from the god of Isreal, our creator.
There were many people who were mystics as he was, and many who were "blind prophets" that God gave instruction to, but were not as gifted with gnosis. Also many who were and are still misguided by lower consciousness beings.
Because of union of body, mind, and spirit within, many mystics such as Yeshua, Buddha, Merlin, and well, a long list... All could be considered Christos or Christs.
It's anointing with divine knowledge, and it's a gift anyone can receive... We aren't "chosen".... WE CHOSE to make that connection and then trust it when it happens.
Human beings, for the most part... Live in fear... Humans fear the unknown.
That's why "readers" can so easily exploit others if they choose to... Keep your clients in a state of fear of what's coming and they'll fear not knowing what's coming and you've got a repeat customer.
That's not how a true Mystic operates.
I want to guide you on YOUR path to connection with creator.
Doing this in LIFE is Ascension. "Heaven" is included in this density. You don't "escape" this density. You integrate your whole multidimensional Self, and realize it's not real, it's just a game... And you begin to LUCID LIVE just as we can lucid dream.
I seek fellowship, inspiration, love, and unity. Helping others understand who and what they truly are so they can reach their fullest potential, healthy, happy, and at peace.
If you’re interesting in coming to one of our sanctuaries to work with me one on one, please contact me and check out Sanctuaries page for more information. I currently have an opening for an apprentice, and I’m also in need of a Nanny/Animal Caretaker in Kaua’i.