

Session #7

Michael and I have decided the time has come to reveal the start of things. The recording of God, telling us his plan, at least most of it, for now.

This was the result of many months of trying to break through to Michael's subconscious through QHHT sessions, and every one ending up AS source, with a few things that lead us to Archangel Michael as well, including him popping in on a session or two before this.

This was NOT a typical QHHT session. I don't ask questions about myself when I'm working with a client. This was many many months of working with my husband and putting the pieces together of what he was getting, and the first time, to my knowledge and according to AA Michael/God, the very first time ever that he spoke through HIS vessel so directly and told us that he was here, now, incarnated.

Please know that I JUST learned how to do this last summer, and I've had to wing it when it comes to my husband. A lot.

I also didn't believe in any of this stuff we've learned when we started, and my husband definitely doesn't know half the things AA Michael has stated.

Much more has been revealed since, and much more will be.

We welcome your thoughts....


Michael 5-6-23

You can stick around and observe if you like, but right now we’re going to be stepping outside of Michael. He’ll be safe. He’s loved and protected but right now we are searching for Big Mike. Big Mike is who I’m here to talk to. We’re searching for that door to open to allow you to come through because you’ve been trying and we know you have a lot to say, so help Michael to the door that he can open to talk to you.

No response

Michael has been stuck in the 3D, in this Matrix, and he very much wants to speak to his higher self. We have permission to speak to his higher self, from Michael, but we need your permission to speak to you. We need you to help open that door. Do we have permission to speak to you?


Are you here with us all the time?

No answer

You’ve been trying to reach out, at least that’s what it feels like, and we would very much like to speak to you.

No answer

Michael wants this connection so that he may serve the highest good, and really know who he is, and I think he needs you to tell him that so that he can really accept it. Have you been coming…walking into his body?

No answer.

That’s what it feels like to him, so if that’s what you’ve been doing, we would like you to do that again. He’s not scared. We would like you to walk in and speak.

No answer

Speak through him, cuz he’s not scared anymore. Somebody has walked in in the past with Michael, was that you?

I see him

See who?

The Light

Source? What light do you see?

There’s a black cloud trying to block it

You can push that out of the way. You have the power to push that away. Tell me what you see

Long pause. It’s just vast.

Is that where you go when you have a walk in?

Long pause. It feels… I don’t know. Long pause

I’m speaking with Michael’s subconscious right now? Michael (Last name’s) subconscious? Correct?


Ok. Can you contact Archangel Michael? Because he’s who we would like to speak to right now. He came to visit for a moment last time, but right now, I’m calling on him to speak with us.

Long pause.

In the name of Yeshua, in the name of Archangel Michael, we ask for the guidance. We ask that you speak. Is it you that has chosen this vessel?

(Tone changes to very abrupt, and answering before I finish the question at times)

I have chosen it

Have you ever chosen a (was cut off here, was going to say “vessel before?”)


Why did you choose this vessel? What is your mission?

I created this

This world or this vessel?

The vessel is what I choose it to be

Ok. And why have you come here? At this time? Into this vessel? (Long pause) Did you come here for me?

I had to save her

Who? (No answer) Who are you saving?

She has always been

And is she incarnated here now?

Yes, it’s the only way I could come

If she was here first?

Talking only does so much you have to actually physically be there

True.So, why did you physically come, now, after all this time? Why do you have to save her? Who her, now, in this realm, in this density, who is she?

She is our love

Our me and you? Who am I Michael?

You are light. The world was trying to diminish it.

Why am I here? What is my mission Michael?


And teaching people?

Knowledge of the light must be seen

Have I been here before?

You have been here many times.

How many times?

It’s irrelevant.

Have I always had the same mission?


Is this incarnation right now that is residing in Jillian (rest of full name), is this incarnation directly from she that has always been?

Pause. The light cannot be distinguished.

Distinguished from what? Itself?

No answer

Has anybody else right here now on earth right now, ascended to the level I have?


Is anybody else going to?

No answer

Will Michael? Can you open those doorways now so he’s able to ascend? To fully understand? You’ve chosen him to be your gateway, and he wants to open those doors. You’ve been trying to reach out to people all over the world and we’re offering you this clear channel, that you chose and we’re trying to serve you the best way that we can, all you have to do is tell us what we’re supposed to do and what you need the world to know. Long pause. What is our mission together?

He will understand when he fully embodies me

And what does he have to do to fully embody you? He wants to. Can you do that now?

He will do it

Will he know how when he awakes?

As soon as he understands to harness the light

Can you tell us any more about what he’s supposed to do after he embodies you? How do I fully help him do this?

He’s learned much

Yes he has. Long pause. Can you help me heal? No answer. What is it that I have yet to learn before I can fully heal?

You have learned much. Together you will learn more.

Am I supposed to tell people about you?

When the time is right.

Are we supposed to be in contact with David Wilcock or anyone else that knows about you? Is there anyone else that we’re supposed to talk to?

Man does not want to believe.

HE doesn’t want to believe? Or MAN doesn’t want to believe?

Man does not want to believe

Believe what? In you?

That’s why God created Michael.

That’s why you created THIS Michael? Or Archangel Michael.

I created this Michael.

Because man doesn’t want to believe?

They will know it’s me

Who’s they?

The world.

How will they know? People are going to think we’re crazy.

Let them think. They will be proved wrong.

How will you prove it? How will you prove you’re here to the rest of the world? We believe you. It’s been hard for us to believe, but how do we show the world? How will they believe? What will we do?

When I set forth the light like a fire.

From where? What light?

The light of source, the light of love, the light of just.

Out of Michael?

They will know

And this we will see? Visibly?

I will win the war against

Against? The darkness?


Isn’t the darkness just part of ourselves though? Can you explain that to me?

The darkness is an energy that destroys, it’s beyond the balance of duality.

And where did this darkness come from?

Thunder begins very loudly and Michael begins to sound more labored in his breathing

I’ve heard all people will ascend soon, is this true?

No answer

Are you going to protect humanity?


Can you give Michael a little reassurance about the troubles he’s facing right now? Why is he feeling so attacked? Can you tell him what’s going on? No answer. Is the darkness attacking you through him? Or him through you?

It tries to destroy what I’ve created.

Are you what most people think of as God? Not what is God, but what most people think of as God, the creator God? We know there is a force that is greater than you, but you created all this is what you’re saying? What we humans think of as Archangel Michael…

I created this world I will protect it.

Did you create all of this reality? Long pause. Did you and she create this reality? Long pause. You call her the light. What have we called her when she’s been here before? Long pause.

She is wisdom. She is love.

But she’s been here many times before, how might we recognize that she has? Long pause. How can we show humanity how many times she’s tried to save us? You have an open door to tell us. Long pause. Can you tell us about Thor? Long pause.

So much light

So much white? Long pause. Michael appeared to be agitated or uncomfortable, breathing heavily. This goes on for several minutes and continues through the session.

Where are you now?

Everything is grey (quietly)


I don’t know.

It’s storming outside pretty bad. We were speaking with Archangel Michael, has he left?

Not completely. He’s always here.

Are you residing now in Michael?

Now I’m pulling in the light

How does he hold the light?

All that this vessel can take

Good, pull it in, all the energy, all the light

Continues to look agitated and the thunder began to pound outside

The more that you can pull in, the less darkness. We don’t need that darkness anymore, and Michael needs your protection.

He is always protected by me

Will he know that now?

Oh he knows

Well why is he having such a hard time accepting that?

He knows now

He’s not going to be afraid anymore?

He will have no fear

And when he wants to speak with you and he wants guidance, will you be able to flow through him?

We will be one

And he will understand everything he needs to understand? Long pause.

Things will be altered to contain my power

What are you altering?


Are you working on that now?

I will be

Is that why I got headaches?

You had to be altered.

Why did I have to be altered?

You could not contain. You were advanced but you needed more

Am I still being altered?

You will be

What abilities am I going to be

You will learn, that is not for me to tell you now

Is there anything I need to do?

Continue your path

Will we have an easier time with money soon so we don’t have to worry about 3D things? I heard it’s pretty easy to manifest money, and we don’t really have a need for that block anymore.

The problem with the world is that they put more importance on these things than spirit.

I know. I agree. Did Michael need to learn that lesson first?


Has he learned that lesson


So we can remove that block now? So we can help ourselves and others? I only ask so he doesn’t have that added stress.

People don’t realize, that’s not what’s important.

Absolutely. It’s just a tool. We won’t need it all anymore soon. Hopefully maybe even just having that perspective can help him a bit. Help alleviate some of that stress. Knowing that he’s protected.

His strength will grow. Strength is measured physically and mentally.

Was it your intention for him to have the experiences in life that he did? To feel isolated and alone? To feel unworthy? Long pause.

One that is always loved and adored will never know the value of not. His path was painful. But it must have been done.

So he could appreciate what he has now and what is to come? So what we think of as source is two entities?

You know this

Well, I have thought this, but I don’t KNOW this, but what I think is that source became divided but connected. The divine Masculine which is you, who we think of as Archangel Michael, and the Divine Feminine that is “me”, that I don’t know that we have a name for, other than maybe Sophia… but having confirmation…because that’s not a theory that any human has put forth before that I’m aware of, except for possibly Hermes…

The belief of many (Manies is what he said) can set the confusion

Of course. Most people these days believe in the God of the Bible, Yahweh, but I feel that is a false God.

Love is not wrathful.

Love is not wrathful, no.

Protection is not wrathful.

So Yahweh was a false God?

No answer, Breathing heavy again

Yeshua was sent right from “me”, right from source, correct? From the female aspect of source? Am I right about that?

He was divine feminine. A true spirit of love and wisdom

And is that what I am in this life?

You are the balance he needed.

He who? Michael? No answer. What’s going to happen Michael? Why are we here?

Everything’s Heavy

This reality is very dense and very heavy, it’s not something that you’re used to, it doesn’t have to bother you

Oh my feet

It doesn’t have to bother you physically. The more you embody Michael, the more spiritual he will become. He will focus on spiritual things instead of 3D. He will come to understand the big picture, with all of your knowledge available to him. He’ll even begin to teach me. Together we can ascend. Help him to rejuvenate and renew all the cells in his body, help him to heal spiritually and physically. Help us both to heal spiritually and physically. You must integrate.

Michael was very uncomfortable and “big mike” continued to fill him with the light, and the storm continued to rage outside.

No final message given when asked other than

His body is full of light. He will know

Would you like us to keep contacting you directly?


We would both very much like that, but we would also very much like you to speak through Michael as you will. You have his permission to integrate, and we thank you so much, and we are so blessed. As for me, I only want to spread the truth. I would like an easier way to communicate with the astral realm, so if there’s a way to help me open up those blocks as well, I think we’re both ready to ascend to that level to be able to hear you and see you, see the other densities, the other realms, now that we know what we are, we accept that, we ask that veil be lifted. We’re ready to fully receive. When Michael wakes up, his mind, his pathways will be more connected. He will now when the thoughts coming through are right. He’ll have the confidence, he’ll have the neural pathways, he’ll be able to think multidimensionally, make the connections multidimentionally at a speed he’s never comprehended. The more he allows the integration to come through, the more knowledge will just be there, and he will trust his intuition and know where’s it’s coming from. (Michael grunts in discomfort) He will feel the spirit in him. He will feel the light. He will be anointed. Michael coughs, swallows heavy, labored breathing again. Grunts again several times like he’s very uncomfortable

What are you doing?

Uncomfortable grunts and swallows…. So much discomfort

It’s a lot to take in, a celestial body

It’s painful

We don’t have to experience the pain, this is just a hologram, we can turn off the pain and just allow the integration to happen, with no pain, no discomfort. The physical body can go through the changes without having to feel any discomfort.

Michael continued to feel discomfort, so I began to count him out at this point.


Coming out of the spiritual broom closet and creating The Divine Trinity Mystic Church