Come Find Yourself
We currently run two Sanctuaries for Spiritual Growth, funded entirely (currently) by founder Michael Rogers.
Highly Meditated Kaua’i on the island of Kaua’i, Hawai’i, and The Spirit Center at Crystal Lake just south of the Twin Cities, Minnesota.
Both locations are in the beginning stages along with the church, and we NEED HELP! We have room for several people at each location to come and stay and enjoy the island or lake, in exchange for donation of labor, services, or monetary donation.
We recommend a stay of at least three weeks at either location, because we believe a necessary part of any spiritual journey is a period of time away from the “old you” and the life you have built, to find the “new you” that you choose to become. This comes from creating habits, and any habit takes a minimum of three weeks to establish.
Both locations are perfect sanctuaries to both find the solitude AND community you are seeking on your journey. They are meant to be steppingstones for you on your path, not a final destination. We are way-showers, and we believe in assisting with the creation of more way-showers, not more followers.

What will you gain?
Some things Michael and Jillian can help you with:
Overall improvement in all relationships.
Discernment of energies in yourself and others.
Identification of exploitation and abuse, and healing from a lifetime of trauma.
Improvement in Self-Love and Romantic Matters.
Reshape your money mindset and help you decide what abundance means to you, and how to acheive it.
Improve your sense of Self and remember your I AM presence.
Increase your innerstanding of energetic forces within (Divine Masculine and Feminine) and how it effects your reality.
Improve your ability to identify and manifest a joyful and abundant life.
Learn to identify and remove your energetic blocks.
Learn to self-regulate thoughts and feelings.
Overall integration of your whole, multi-dimensional being.
Tell me more…
You’ve already made the choice to go within and seek a higher innerstanding of who you are and your place in the universe. Why not offer yourself the perfect opportunity to follow through and take the TIME you need for YOU? This world is full so many distractions, it’s almost impossible to “find yourself” in the midst of a daily grind. It takes a complete pattern interrupt, and dedication to YOU. That is why we urge you to take the time away at one of our sacred spaces. However, we understand that not everyone is able to get away, so we also offer on line coaching and will soon be offering courses and study groups to our academy members.
Anyone wishing to come and stay with us may choose to work WITH us, or independently, as far as their spiritual journey goes, but you must be at least a Gold Guru member already working with the Church if you wish to be invited to a scheduled retreat with Jillian and Michael. Your Gold Guru membership will include 2 nights of your stay.